Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Its a Bow`t Time

THANK GOODNESS! As of March 18th Austins City Council member unanimously voted to pass a no kill plan for its Town lake Animal Shelter downtown. After many decades of slaughtering poor defenseless animals the community agrees IT`S ABOUT TIME! The plan is not in full effect yet only a "slowdown" has been issued.The plan includes a $12 million dollar facility to be built next year in East Austin. This facility will house stray and lost animals and also animal from other shelters until they are adopted, and will most likely be ran by a nonprofit organization.
Animals are innocent and deserve to live. Before this plan was finally signed Austin averaged 8,873 murders (puppies ,kittens ,and all) each year. Each Year! Think of the families that had lost dogs at these shelters. The animals of this world are defense and most of the time scared. We(Americans) build towers that take mass amounts of our animals space and when there is nowhere else for the em to go we kill them. That`s the sad reality of it all. These animals were pushed/forced out of their homes by us. They deserve a safe place in exchange for being forced out of their houses for corporate America.
The Animals were never the problem, its always been the people.In addition to the those pesky wood choppers we have irresponsible ,lackadaisical ,down right trifling owners who couldn't`t be able to parent an ant much less a dog ,cat ,or bird.when animals are in the hands of people like this all kinds of things can happen. I honestly believe people who have never owned an animal in their entire life be it cat,dog ,rabbit etc... should be required to take some sort of animal education class. Nothing too extensive , mainly the basic parenting and up keep required for that specific animal. People with puppies or any newborn domesticated animal should be first in line for this class.Classes like these may even decrease the number of animal cruelty cases.
Who knows what`s to come now that the plan has been passed, the door of opportunity is wide open. It is my hope that every shelter would adopt some sort of lpan like this. One thing is for sure pet owners everywhere are happy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that Austin is instating a no kill plan. It's good that they're easing into it, things like this take time. They need to be able to account for additional space and money the need to take care of these animals. I had no idea Austin was taking an average of 8,873 animals' lives each year. I'm not an animal person at all, I actually like animals to stay as far away from me as possible and that still bothers me. I just hope this plan works out. "Animals are innocent and deserve to live." You absolutely right, just because they are animals doesn't mean that we have the right to kill them, if they were humans this would most certainly not be happening.

    As for you suggestion of a requirement that all first time pet owners take a class, I think it's asking a little too much. It wouldn't be possible to make sure everyone take such a class and you have to remember that some pet owners get their first pet from people selling puppies and kittens in cars in parking lots. It's a nice idea but I don't see it happening. The good thing is that there is unlimited of information online. First time owners can get advice and learn anything they need on the computer. Things are starting to look up for these shelter animals.
